Friday, August 17, 2012

A personal rant: Filem Seram Malaysia

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Setelah sekian lama tak update blog ini, kali ini aku rasa terpanggil untuk mengulas mengenai trend filem di Malaysia sekarang, especially genre seram dan misteri.

Kebelakangan ini, aku akui memang kerap menonton filem2 seram Malaysia, walaupun sebenarnya diri ini taklah seberani mana. Tukar angin. Aku penggemar filem2 bersifat ketenteraan dan peperangan. Sekali sekala je melayan genre seram. Itu pun kalau housemate ada sekali...

Antara filem terbaru yang sudah ditonton ialah filem bercorak indie, Penunggu Istana.

Kalau dengar tajuk je, memang dengar menarik. Start je filem, bila terus nampak pengkaji paranormal terkenal Malaysia, terus mengeluh......''alaaaah, mamat ni ke?...''

1. Filem Penunggu Istana yang berlatarbelakangkan Istana Billah, Perak memang benar2 wujud, bukannya set rekaan (sangkaan aku meleset).

2. Antara babak pada awal filem ialah bagaimana mereka berkunjung dan memasuki bangunan lama yang dipercayai sebuah masjid yang sudah tidak digunakan.

3. Sebelum masuk ke masjid, mereka memberi salam. Bagus. TAPI, mereka semua masuk kedalam dengan BERKASUT. Itu tindakan yang bagi aku tidak beradab dan kurang cerdik. Walaupun masjid tersebut sudah usang dan tak digunakan lagi, ia masih lagi sebuah masjid.

4. Mari berfikir secara logik. Apa yang akan kita buat sekiranya kita dapat merasakan something wrong pada sesuatu tempat? Tiba-tiba terdengar bunyi desiran angin, suara2 yang mendayu2 di tengah malam contohnya? Ya, budak tadika pun tahu ape yang patut kita buat. CABUT laaahh!

5. Sebaliknya yang berlaku, dengan beraninya mereka tetap stay di Istana tersebut dengan tujuan "merungkai misteri"yang berlaku di sekitar kawasan tersebut. Duhh.... ape yang kita dapat dengan membuktikan wujudnya entiti2 tersebut? Nothing. Al-Quran dah lama membuktikan kepada manusia tentang kewujudan jin dan syaitan sejak 1400 tahun lebih dahulu.

6. Kajian yang dilakukan tak dapat membantu langsung pembangunan minda masyarakat Malaysia yang memang pun sudah berada pada kelas ke- 3.Terus terang saya rasakan, membuktikkan kewujudan hantu dan makhluk-makhluk halus ini, tak membantu kemajuan agama, bangsa dan negara.

7. Orang luar negara dah lama mencipta roket, Program Angkasa Appollo etc. In fact, Space Shuttle Program sudah pun diberhentikan. Rakyat Malaysia? Sibuk membuktikan kewujudan hantu dan makhluk ghaib. Mungkinkah kita boleh mencipta teknologi Teleport dengan membuktikan kewujudan dimensi lain?

8.  Sudah2 lah dengan lambakan filem seram di Malaysia. Disamping hanya menambahkan bilangan kanak2 yang semakin kurang berani (untuk keluar ke jamban waktu malam), kerap menonton filem seram telah dibuktikan secara klinikal dan psikologi, kurang bagus untuk perkembangan otak yang sihat.

9. Berikut merupakan petikan sinopsis filem Penunggu Istana yang dicopypaste dari wikipedia (sebab malas nak habiskan movie). "Hari berikutnya mereka menggunakan kemenyan dan tuala wanita yang kotor untuk menyeru penuggu istana tersebut. Pada sebelah malamnya, Amar dimasuki penuggu tersebut. Selang beberapa malam kemudian, Amar sekali lagi dimasuki penunggu tersebut dan bertindak membunuh Mus dan Fira. Cuma Sarah yang terselamat."

10. Seriously?! tuala wanita? Sanggup pulak mereka gunakan benda yang kotor macam tu, demi menyeru keluar makhluk ghaib tu...kerja yang sia-sia. 

11. Satu lagi filem seram yang sempat ditonton, Dilarang Masuk. Antara filem yang paling banyak aku komen ketika menonton filem.

12. Filem ini mengisahkan tentang 4 orang sekawan yang tumpang bermalam di sebuah rumah yang telah ditinggalkan, selepas sesat mencari jalan pulang. Eventually, hari semakin gelap dan mereka mengambil keputusan untuk bermalam sahaja di rumah tersebut. Ketika mengexplore rumah tersebut, mereka terjumpa 3 mayat yang terbiar mereput dan disisi salah seorang mayat tersebut, sepucuk pistol dijumpai.

13. Tak lama kemudian, a stash of money bernilai hampir RM 3 juta dijumpai dan memang seperti yang aku agak, duit tu bakal menjadi punca mereka berempat bergaduh. Pistol? Mungkin ada yang akan mati ditembak. Mungkin. Itu hanya tanggapan awal.

14. First thing first. Ketepikan logic reason macam mana mereka bole memecah masuk and decide to stay for one night. Apa yang aku kurang boleh terima ialah, mereka berempat tahu di dalam rumah tersebut ada mayat. I mean mayat!

15. One thing yang aku rasa menarik apabila menonton filem terutamanya produk tempatan ialah meneka ending filem tersebut. Siapa sebenarnya yang jahat, siapa pembunuh sebenarnya, siapa mak tiri budak tu dan macam-macam lagi.

Last but not least, satu lagi filem seram yang suka untuk saya ulas ialah filem "Skrip 7707" yang mengisahkan tentang seorang pengarah filem seram yang ingin mendapatkan idea2 untuk menghasilkan filem seram.

Logiklah sikit. Sekalipun nak mendapatkan mood seram untuk menghasilkan karya, tak perlulah sampai mengadakan group brainstorming di kubur Cina. Walaupun beramai-ramai, tanyalah pada sesiapa pun, kubur bukanlah tempat yang sesuai untuk berbincang.

Mood dan jalan cerita saya akui memang agak menyeramkan. Cuma kurang logik pada latar belakang... kubur Cina.

Next fim, Damping Malam (2010). Sinopsis mengenai filem Damping Malam: Kisah ini mengisahkan mengenai sebuah keluarga yang bahagia. Pasangan suami isteri, Wadi dan Ku Khalira yang dikurniakan seorang anak perempuan tunggal, Nuraiza. Gangguan demi gangguan yang dialami Aiza di asrama dan dirumah turut menghantui Wadi, yang akhirnya meminta bantuan rakan baiknya, seorang ustaz untuk mengesan punca gangguan tersebut. Punca akhirnya dikenalpasti berpunca dari Ku Khalira yang meminta bantuan pendamping (makhluk halus), tanpa mengetahui akibat yang bakal diterima jika mengingkari perjanjian dengan makhluk tersebut.

Persoalan dan perkara2 yang aku tak puas hati dengan logiknya jalan cerita ini (trivia):

1) Nuraiza tahu dia selalu diganggu. Kenapa masih nak ke tandas tanpa berteman?

2) Nuraiza sering ternampak jelmaan 'makhluk' tersebut yang menyerupai senior sekolahnya. Ada babak yang memaparkan Nuraiza menegur 'senior'nya yang sedang duduk termenung di kawasan sekolah pada waktu malam. Selalunya jika kita berasa tak sedap hati..... JANGAN TEGUR dan BLAH cepat2 laa dari kawasan tu.

3) Ada babak Nuraiza dirasuk di kawasan asrama pada waktu malam. Ketika itu Ku Khalira yang datang untuk mengambil anaknya terus melulu masuk ke kawasan asrama. Tak berkunci ke asrama perempuan tu? Senang2 je orang luar boleh masuk...

4) Ustaz Bakri yang pertama kali dijemput kerumah untuk membantu menyelesaikan misteri dirumah Wadi. Ketika mula sampai kerumah, Wadi masih belum pulang dari kerja, tetapi Ku Khalira telah menjemput Ustaz tersebut untuk menunggu kepulangan Wadi di dalam rumah. Takkan Ustaz tak tahu hukum? Isteri tak boleh membenarkan lelaki lain yang bukan muhrim untuk masuk ke rumah ketika ketiadaan suami, walaupun ada orang lain selain mereka berdua (Umi Siah).

5) Macam mana Umi Siah boleh tahu Ustaz Bakri bekerja di Masjid Putra? Wadi tak pernah pun bagitahu tempat kerja Ustaz Bakri pada Umi Siah.

6) Ada babak dimana Wadi mengesyaki Umi Siah melakukan sesuatu yang berunsur mistik di dalam bilik Umi Siah. Asap penuh berkepul-kepul didalam bilik. Kemenyan mungkin. Secara logiknya, memang dah kena marah dah Umi Siah. Peliknya, asap tak pula keluar melalui bawah pintu.


Dan banyak lagi sebenarnya filem-filem yang hendak aku komen. Apa-apa pun, Malaysia pengarah2 filem Malaysia sebenarnya mampu menghasilkan filem yang berkualiti. Jujur saya katakan, saya tertunggu-tunggu penghasilan karya hebat suatu masa dahulu seperti Leftenan Adnan.

Zaman sekarang, memang kurang filem-filem yang bertemakan semangat patriotik dan ketenteraan. Minta maaf, pendapat saya agak bias. Maklumlah, saya memang peminat tegar filem bercorak aksi dan ketenteraan.

Mungkin pengarah- pengarah filem di Malaysia boleh berkerjasama dengan pihak Kementerian Pertahanan untuk mengabadikan kisah-kisah pertempuran perajurit-perajurit yang tak direkodkan. Percayalah, penggemar-penggemar filem tempatan sudah lama dahagakan filem berkonsepkan ketenteraan.

p/s: Cukup muak dengan lambakan cerekarama yang banyak mengetengahkan isu masalah sosial, masalah remaja, derhaka kepada ibu bapa etc. Kadang-kadang terfikr juga. Memanglah tujuan filem itu dibuat untuk menyedarkan masyarakat dan seterusnya memberi pengajaran dan peringatan.

Tapi sebaliknya, realiti kehidupan masyarakat kian menjad-jadi kearah tersebut. Mungkin perkara-perkara yang buruk, tak perlulah dilakonkan dan dipaparkan di khalayak umum. Bimbang menjadi perangsang untuk cuba melakukan perkara yang sama. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Let's smile!

Frown and you frown alone, but smile and the whole world smiles with you.

Not just any smile will do, though. With 19 variations on the smile, including 16 produced by enjoyable emotions, smiling is an incredibly important part of our lives. If you're looking to develop a genuine, infectious smile that can make a bad date turn good, seal a business deal, or help you wherever you go, this article will help you on your way. It's fun, fast, and easy! But best of all, it's a natural way to make yourself and others feel really good.

Enjoy the many benefits of a smile.

In order to want to smile, it really helps to know what benefits a smile can bring to your day. The following benefits are bound to make you lean towards sharing a smile with others most of the day:

  • Smiles improve your appearance. Charles Gordy once quipped: "A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks". All you need to do is think about how you feel about a person who is frowning and a person who is smiling – who tends to be the better looking?
  • Smiles make things right again and say much more than words can. If you've goofed, said something less than complimentary, feel lost or alone, or feel down, a smile can set things right again. A smile lets other people know that you're prepared to be open to them, and that you're willingly agreeing to set things right where needed.
  • Smiles create trust and rapport. A smile is a great way of establishing mutual feelings of being on the same level as others, whether that is one-to-one or in front of a group giving a presentation. A smile says "I'm OK, you're OK, and we're all going to enjoy one another's company".
  • Smiles make you feel good. Even if you're feeling a little blue, insert happy thoughts into your mind and just add that smile. The smile will trick your mind into feeling better, as endorphins are released to reduce physical or emotional stress.
  • Smiles make other people feel good. An open-mouthed smile is visible from further away than a frown, offering people reassurance that you're friendly. And it makes people feel better to see a smile, from afar or close up.
  • Wrinkles are better when they're smile lines rather than frown lines. Mark Twain said: "Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been"; viewed this way, smiles are an indication of your overall character, which becomes more and more outwardly telling as you age!
  • Smiling is a good long-term predictor of happier life outcomes. Smiling attracts health, happiness, friends, success, and a longer life.
Become comfortable with smiling.

If you're not used to smiling regularly, overcoming your nervousness or cynicism about smiling can take a little practice but like any habit, it's easy to reform with time. Some things to keep in mind include:
  • A smile always looks good. Feeling nervous about the beauty or appearance of your smile is unnecessary. Trust that your smile makes you look great.
  • A smile is professional. Smiling at work or during other professional occasions is not going to make you seem unprofessional. Quite the opposite, a smile will humanize you and make you appear more approachable. People will appreciate your recognition of their worth and of a job well done when you smile.
  • A smile makes you real. If you're afraid of appearing vulnerable when you smile, accept that any form of vulnerability suggested by a smile is precisely what makes it such a powerful act. You're opening yourself up to others and people will respond better to that than to a serious, unmoved demeanor. Moreover, a smile accompanied by an assertive personality will take care of any sense that people will use your smile to walk all over you!

Make your smile genuine.

While it is perfectly possible to crack a smile when you feel terrible, angry, annoyed, or you're up to something nefarious, a genuine smile is much harder to fake; indeed, only around 10 percent of the population can manage that feat.[7] A genuine smile is detectable by others because it is accompanied by a general glow, smiling eyes where the outer corners crinkle and the lower lid tightens, and a reassuring demeanor that helps the viewer to feel more at ease in your presence. A genuine smile comes from being happy, positive, and from drawing your feelings from the heart.

  • Think happy thoughts. The easiest way to a fantastic, genuine smile is to be happy. Think about someone you care about (perhaps the person standing in front of you as you smile), about something that you genuinely love to do, or think of a funny joke that you just find hilarious. Or think about the happiest moments in your life.
  • Be genuine. Draw on your heartfelt feelings, not just rationalizations. When you're confronted by a person or situation that makes you feel ambivalent and you're oscillating between giving the cold shoulder or smiling, err on the side of smiling – find one single thing in your heart that is positive about the person or situation before you, and use that to create your smile.
  • Love people and your life. It's much easier to produce friendly, easygoing, genuine smiles when you love what you do, when you love the people around you, and when you love humanity in general. Be grateful for all that you have and you'll find smiles come far more naturally.
  • Be playful. Intense times can make us too serious. See life as an adventure, be gentle on yourself and watch children at play. Being playful will bring a smile to your face much more easily.
Smile with your eyes.

A wholehearted smile will naturally draw in the eyes. It is commonplace to hear a person say "her eyes were smiling", or to say "he didn't mean it; he was smiling but his eyes weren't". The eyes are essential for a genuine, warm smile. Your eyes light up, twinkle, and reflect your happiness. While it's hard to fake this unless you're really feeling it, you can try this exercise:

To get a feel for how to make your eyes smile, stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling, but concentrate only on your eyes. You may find it helpful to cover the lower part of your face with a piece of paper. Play around with it a bit, and you'll find that you can make your mouth smile when your eyes aren't smiling, and you can also smile only with your eyes. When your eyes do smile, remember how it feels, which muscles are working and how. With practice, you may discover how to smile with your eyes at will by relying on your feelings and muscle memory.

Practice your smile.

There is no harm in practicing your smile – doing so will increase your smiling confidence, improve your sense of well-being,[8] and help you to learn which of your smiles are your best. Look at photos of yourself smiling, with a closed mouth, open mouth, and from different angles. Which smiles and poses make your face light up the most? Which smile displays your other features to their best possible advantage? Which smile comes across as the most natural, the most "you"?

  • Find that picture and focus on what your face is doing. Then practice in front of a mirror until you get it just right. Keep practicing, and pay attention to how that great smile feels, so that you'll be able to replicate it without looking in a mirror. Soon it will become second nature, and you'll likely find that you'll look more photogenic in your next batch of pictures.
  • If you want to improve your smile, look at pictures of smiles you believe are beautiful. Also, remember that you're beautiful (inside and out); your smile is bound to look better if you feel good about yourself!
  • Note the difference between a smile and a grin. Grins bare a lot more teeth (think Cheshire Cat) and are not necessarily flattering on all people, although for some people they can make you appear cute. If you're prone to grinning and it's not doing your appearance any favors, try showing only your upper teeth when you smile. Showing your lower teeth can make it seem you're baring your teeth.
  • When showing teeth, pressing the tongue behind the teeth will make small gaps look less noticeable.
  • Practice smiling at random strangers. Make a choice that you'll do this, make brief eye contact with a person, and smile. As you do so, think happy thoughts (it helps to choose someone attractive to begin with). Don't choose a person with sunglasses; you need to see their eyes. Not everyone will smile back but note how you feel when they do!
Maintain good mouth hygiene.

One thing that can cause you to fear smiling is the worry that there is something stuck between your teeth, or that you have bad breath. Eliminate these hygiene sources of worry by taking active steps to keep your mouth fresh and clean. Brush your teeth regularly, carry floss with you wherever you go so that you can clean up after dining, and have breath freshener on you at all times (natural or commercial). In addition, see your dentist regularly for teeth check-ups and cleaning, as well as discussing options for teeth straightening, etc., if this is a concern for you. When you smile people will inevitably look at your mouth, so following these considerations will help you make a better impression, and, more importantly, a healthy mouth will make you feel more confident about smiling. 

  • Visit the dentist for a polishing or whitening. If your teeth are stained, consider your lifestyle habits that bring this about and try to minimize the impacts of such habits as smoking or drinking too much red wine, etc.
  • Keep your lips in great shape to prevent chapping.
  • Deal with bad breath. If it's surface, cleaning and fresheners should be adequate. If these do not work, it may be a sign of an underlying health problem, so see your doctor for advice.
Expect smiling to be difficult in some situations.

Smiling on demand can be difficult, whether it's for a photo or for the sake of keeping mom happy when the relatives you can't stand visit. This is because you are feeling self-conscious or you lack a genuine reason for smiling. In these sorts of cases, smiling needs to come from your memory of good smiles along with a little self-kidding or jokes in the head.

  • For a photo, smile 20 percent more than you think you should.
  • Smile wide and show the top row of teeth.
  • Return to the earlier steps on thinking happy and practicing your smile. Simply know that you can do this without faking it. In doing so, when it comes to the more difficult people in your life, offering them a smile will also be a means by which you're accepting others for who they are and what they have to offer to the world, rather than worrying too much about their impact on you. You should feel beautiful when you smile, or just act like you are the prettiest person in the world.


  • Opportunities for smiling are all around you. Make the most of them
  • You don't need perfect teeth to have a perfect smile. Not everybody has perfect teeth, and that's okay. Straight teeth are nice, but a great smile doesn't depend on standard model's teeth. That said, if you feel uncomfortable about your teeth you may be reluctant to smile, and that's no good. If that's the case, either learn to appreciate your individuality or look into cosmetic dentistry procedures. Or, you could smile with your mouth closed if preferred.
  • Wear clothes that smile. Add to your positive body language the color of happiness. Yellow is the color for dependability. A soft yellow is non-threatening and friendly. Warm colors from the yellow family are welcoming. Golds, browns, golden-oranges, are all dependable colors of friendship. Blues are passive and calm colors. In the visual language, soft blues project a serenity and quiet peacefulness. Avoid reds that are come across as aggressive and threatening.
  • Don't let the anger of others get you down. An easy way to remember this is to think of 'Jenna', the average Starbucks employee. Jenna has to sit through the complaints of dozens of customers a day, but she's always got a smile on her face because she knows she has amazing friends!
  • You've probably heard of "contagious" or "infectious" smiles. There's a reason for this – when you smile, it tends to make others around you smile. Even in the most stressful times, a roomful of smiles can brighten everybody's mood.
  • Ever laugh hysterically about something you've just seen? Take that memory but just laugh slightly and now you have a natural pretty smile.
  • A lot of men feel uncomfortable about smiling at strangers, especially at other males. If that is the case, then just offer a casual "Hi", or "Hey man!", or "What's goin' on?". It works just as well, and feels less awkward for a lot of guys.
  • Try a light smile: don't show as many teeth as you would when you're laughing. It's the best smile for flirting - light and seductive.
  • If you have a tooth that pokes out a bit at the side, as many people sometimes do, try to get your lip to go above it so your lip doesn't catch on the tooth when you smile.
  • Don't compare yourself to the celebrities you see on TV, in pictures, etc., because they are faking it. Instead, be yourself, be natural, and be genuine. Everybody has a smile waiting to burst out from inside them somewhere!
  • Pretend like you're laughing when you're smiling.
  • People will think you are a better and more fun person when you smile! Even if it is in the darkest of times!


  • A fake smile can make you look phony, nervous, or even dangerous, so don't just try to put on a smile without first practicing or putting yourself in a happy state of mind. You can spot a fake smile from a genuine (or Duchenne) smile – a fake smile is one where the corners of the mouth aren't turned up, or the mouth is solely smiling, with no change at all in the eyes. You'll know it when you see it as you pick up the subtle body language cues that confuse you as to the smiler's intention; and if it's you making the fake smile, check your emotions to know whether or not you mean the smile.
  • Try to make sure you don't have spinach or something stuck in your teeth because you'll leave a poor impression. Duck out to the bathroom after a meal and quickly refresh; this is even more important when you know your teeth are prone to catching bits of food.
  • There is no scientific study saying how many muscles it takes to smile over frowning.[11] It's probably just better to accept that smiling is worthwhile because the longer term benefits are worth the effort!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Assalamualaikum (あなた方の上に平安あれ)





場所はこちらです:「 北海道有珠郡壮瞥町蟠渓




ピクニックの気分で行ったので,マレーシア料理 「Nasi Lemak」 と 「Teh tarik 」も用意しました.ちょっと辛い料理なので寒い時期にはぴったり.





最初に入った時に,温度の差で風邪を引いてしまうのは心配だったが,だんだん体が温かくなって,出たくなくなった.他のプールに移動するのも楽しかった.足は冷たかったけど,プールに入ったら気持ちいいいい....  -m-




Sunday, January 22, 2012

適当な旅- < 函館 >

先週(1/14 - 1/15)函館まで二人旅をした.北海道は当日大雪にもかかわらず,土曜日に函館を向かって出発!!

出発時間は 0630 だった.寒かったけど,道路は凍ってなかった.ちゃんとの計画を立てずに,天気予報つら見なかったままで出発した.

ちなみに,新しく手に入れたCanon EOS 60D の機能などいろいろ試したいからこの Photo Outing の目的とも言えるかなぁ.

昼中の運転は疲れちゃうよね -_-


↑この写真は Canon EF 50mm f1.8 で撮ったので,五稜郭のすべての形は入れなかった.(まだ広角レンズ買ってなかったので)













今日は函館のもう一つの名所へ.それが「朝市」です.そのために早起きをして 0630時にホテルから出発.やっぱり寒かったので,普段歩ける距離だけど,今回車で移動した.













最後として「三味線滝」を見に行った.三味線滝は間欠泉から約2km離れた滝.滝左側にあるので(海は左側の場合),注意が必要.特に見ることがなかったが,凍っている滝の水,つまり「つらら」 の風景は絶対見過ごしたくない.




でも,Alhamdulillah 無事に室蘭帰れた.