THE SIEGE (1998)

Arab descendants were being placed in a stadium which served as a temporary detention center. Now, in order to arrest the culprit, they rounded the whole Arab community. Look at today's conflict in Middle East region. First, they blame Mr. Osama whom I believe there are lots of people out there believe, he caused the sparks of War on Terror led by USA. Ever heard about a military term called 'False Flag Operation'?.In brief, it's an operation carried on to deceive the
In this story, a Palestinian man takes a role as a double agent for both America and the secret Arab terrorist organization he joined. At 00:38:49, the CIA agent Sharon Bridge/ Elise Kraft said: "Mine, yours, the Israelis, the Saudis (when referring who's in charge fro the Palestinian man). Everybody in the Middle East is sleeping with everybody else". So, I can assume they're trying to say they got hands in all parts of the world, including your organization. At 00:39:23, Elise asked:"how many people you got in Hamas?". Or what about at 01:08:46 where Sharon said: "Because he was part of the operation to destabilize Saddam Hussein with me".Well, it's a no wonder why the conflicts in Middle East are still there. In order to stay longer on the Arabian soil, American hidden hands creates fake conflicts, riots or maybe even conduct assassination, so that Arab country will turn to them for protection, and they'll get their continuous oil source, enough to fuel whatever war they like. So, don't blame people who don't practice car pool, or people who don't use the public transportation. Blame those countries who consume so much oil everyday, for war. Winning people's heart and mind? won't works against those Arab infidels. As one of the Senator said at 01:02:05:"You don't fight a junkyard dog with ASPCA rules. What you do is you take the leash off your own bigger, meaner dog."If you get it?
At 00:57:53, the president of the Arab Anti-defamation League vowed:"...we will show our commitment to this country."Arab...they were the US
This latest story was literally 'Unthinkable'. I usually love military-based action movies and sometimes romantic comedy story. For me it's important to change your movie genre occasionally so you don't always get too serious after watching the action movies and you don't always think 'I'm the hottest guy' after you watched romantic movies. Now, let's get back into the topic. Unthinkable is an American suspense thriller directed by Gregor Jordan and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Sheen and Carrie-Anne Moss. The film was released on 5 November 2009 in the United States. It is rated R due to strong bloody violence, torture and language (thanks Wikipedia). The story began with a white man claiming himself as an American Muslim and he had placed three nuclear bombs somewhere in three major American cities. The man starred by Michael Sheen (character name: Yusuf) is of course not a Muslim in the real world.One of the supporting character, the Yusuf's wife (Jehan) was a Pakistani born woman who married Yusuf. After facing some marriage problems, she then attempted to leave US with their two children, just to find out their visa was denied.
In the anti-climax part of the movie, the interrogator, 'H' (also the torturer) demanded Yusuf's wife and children as a last resort to force Yusuf to reveal the locations. At first, he mocked to torture Yusuf's wife, in front of him. To the surprise, H finally slitted her throat in front of Yusuf. Without apologizing, he then continued to torture Yusuf as the time was running out. As a last desperate move, H called his last aces, Yusuf's children. As the story's title itself, H claimed what he was going to do was unthinkable, to torture Yusuf's children. The attempt was failed by the military officer standing by around. From this incident, H clearly said: "If that bomb goes off, they'll kill millions of people, including kids. What's the difference of killing this two kids?". That's how they deal with us. To justify their act, they just use any approach, any technique deemed 'necessary' to deal with all kinds of threat. That's how they manipulate the world. Through fear and overwhelming power. Winning is everything. They know human's weaknesses. Any ways to achieve the victory were deemed allowable. It's OK to cut the Muslim terrorist fingers and pulled out the nails. Well what about water boarding? It's alright...they're the World's Peacekeeper. You think they remember or even care to know about the murder of Marwa El-Sherbini? I don't think so. Thousands of Palestinians have already been killed in the West Bank conflict. Any intervention from US? No. Freedom? Liberty? Bullshit with that. Minarets in Europe can cause unease among European? Hijab and veils robbed women right? Now answer this? Why do you think all those mentioned above happen only (or should I say SOLELY) to Muslim and Islam? Are they trying to hide something? The truth maybe. Look around us. Watch the news. Read the newspapers. Ever found shocking headlines such as "US warned 15R4E1 against Gaza blockade" or "Vatican condemned massacred of Muslims in Ambon, Indonesia". Almost NO is the answer. Search Wikipedia if you want.
Now, I'm not trying to spark hate and anger among religion. Islam and Christian came from the same source. We all believe in the same person (Isa- Peace be upon him). Why should spread hatred among us. Think again who would profit from the world's conflict and instability. Who waged the World Wars. Who owned private military company. Who are the world's weapon manufacturers. I just want you all out there to peel out your eyeball and free yourself from all these hidden propaganda. It's okay to watch movies you like, as long as you know how to filter what is good and wrong. It's okay to have a strong faith in your religion. But, be a true believer and find the truth. Know the history of your religion, why you should this or why you shouldn't do that. Don't just follow. You have the right to know not just believing without a basis.
Lastly, think of this question. Why there are tests, examinations or assessment in this world? Some of you I believe would answer, to pick the best choice, because that's the main objectives of exam. Now, what will happen if those exams were gone, no rules or restrictions and human can live freely without boundaries, limitless. What will happen you think. Now, relate it to Islam's situation. Why Islam is the only religion labeled as terrorist, provoked for being the Axis of Evil, blamed for 'forcing' women to cover from head to toe or other accusations.... Why other religion have never been heavily criticized by the world. No one blamed Buddhism for the meditation to focus your inner soul, or Hinduism for piercing your body to carry Kavadi? They would say, "It's their religion. It's unique, just let them practice their religion freely". But ironically, they said Rules in Islam which protects woman's privacy and prevent injustice are just impracticable and out of date. Think back about the first question I asked before. Have you been tested with the real test yet? Or is it your life is just too smooth. Everything's fine and you're doing so good. Well, think again.
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