Real answer: NO one will survive, except the G8 countries people.
I just finished watching the 2012 movie yesterday. There's so many I wanted to say and comment about this movie. Enough with the gibberish talk. This entry is a serious entry. I'm really serious. hmmmpphh.. I'm gonna write some comments and critics regarding the movie 2012, which in my opinion successfully in causing fear to a lot of people. Yeah, when I watched a movie, I watch with a critical mind to look for any imperfection or ridiculous things. Let me ask you people. What do you think, or what is your opinions after watching this movie? Are you gonna believe in such a man-made fairy tales? Not for me.
Is it going to end or not?
"The world is going to end". This phrase should reflects the total destruction of this whole world, the universe, where humanity and all living organisms are going to extinct. But at the end of this film, 'humanity' survives the what should be called an Armageddon. And there's a bias too. Why do people from developed country is the only people that survive? Are they so great in wisdom and 'too powerful' to be challenged by destiny of God? At the end of the movie,
"fewwhh, we survived the Armageddon man!" "Oh yeah, so the world still is not going to end?" "I don't know. Maybe after this, we can make a new movie."
People: "Hey, I thought you said the world is going to an end. We've prepared things and even repented. You're a liar! Damn you!"
Are you sure you could survive the Armageddon?
That's the question you should ask yourselves after watching this movie. If you are, then 'it' should not be called 'The Armageddon'. You should call it a natural disaster. A catastrophe. And if we look at the dialogues in the movie, they seemed pretty confident that they will prevail. There's so many words and dialogues using the Future Tense. "We will...."and "I believe we will....".
"Do you understand how much strength it gives me, knowing that you'll survive? " (President to her daughter).
"Everybody out there has died in vain if we start our future with an act of cruelty. What will you tell your children? What will they tell theirs?" (Adrian)
If you have one of these, you might survive the Armageddon?

They always managed to escape
Heroes always survive. No matter in what situation it is. That's the rule to make a great movie. In a scene where Jackson, Gordon and their family flew out of California in a twin engine jet, the crack which can be seen chasing them would make anyone of us think, it's impossible to take off with such a short runway. While on the way out, they still manage to evade all those collapsing building, where there's not even a tiny piece of glass being sucked in to the jet engine, or falling concrete hitting their plane. As this is a movie, hey, they've made it! The earthquake which separates Kate and Gordon, literally I mean, still leaves no fatalities. Once again, because it's a movie. When Jackson trying ti save the map in the camper scene, there's no way he could survive from falling into the crack. Plus, with holding a map. In a scene where the Antonov landed in China, Sasha asked all of them to get into the Bentley and escape from the back of the airplane. Miraculously, they managed to evade all those cars that jumped out of the airplane, without being hit. That's great. There's always possibility.
Just save your own asses!
When you know the world is going to an end, will you still think of others? NO. Will you still remember your kids, your family or your friends in such an unimaginable chaos? I don't think so. In the real Armageddon, it is told that even a mother would forget her baby she is carrying. No one will even care of other people. Everyone will think how to survive and save their own asses. No matter how caring you are, how compassionate you are, you will never even remember those who you know. Now that's the real end of the world. In this movie, most of our so called politician and country's top official would only bother to save themselves. Only those who will profit them will be brought along. Politics are dirty? Yeah, full of it. They are willing to lie, even to kill just to save themselves.
"So we just killed anybody who tried to talk?" (Adrian)
"Anybody who tried to talk was not just an enemy of state, they're an enemy of humanity! " (Mr. Anheuser)
"We never got picked up Adrian. The airlift never came."(Satnam, Indian geologist)...
A happy ending of a movie with a dreadful storyline. A happy ending? I feel like laughing. I'd like to add a background commentator voice at the end of this movie.
(Old man voice): "And so....the humanity survived the Armageddon. YAYY!!. And for Those seven arks finally pulled through the Big Flood and successfully made an evasive maneuver from hitting the Everest. So uhhh....what's next? urrmmm... yeah we survived that armageddon thing. Owh yes, let's find some piece of land to settle, gettin' married and make more kids. That's gonna help humanity to survive. I think. The only places left is...wait..errmm, Africa. Yeah, Africa. Anyone?"
Enough with the crap. Getting serious now.
Armageddon in Islam
Armageddon, or in Arabic:Qiyamah, is one of the words that can be found in the Holy Al-Quran. Allah, the true Creator of this world, God of all mankind states many times in the Quran about the end of the world, to act as a reminder for the mankind.
101. Surah Al-Qari'ah (The Striking Hour)
1. Al-Qari'ah (the striking Hour i.e. the Day of Resurrection), 2. What is the striking (Hour)? 3. And what will make you know what the striking (Hour) is?4. It is a Day whereon mankind will be like moths scattered about, 5. And the mountains will be like carded wool, 6. Then as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be heavy, 7. He will live a pleasant life (in Paradise). 8. But as for him whose balance (of good deeds) will be light, 9. He will have his home in Hawiyah (pit, i.e. Hell). 10. And what will make you know what it is? 11. (It is) a hot blazing Fire!99. Surah Al-Zalzalah (The Earthquake)
1. When the earth is shaken with its (final) earthquake. 2. And when the earth throws out its burdens, 3. And man will say: "What is the matter with it?"4. That Day it will declare its information (about all what happened over it of good or evil). 5. Because your Lord has inspired it. 6. That Day mankind will proceed in scattered groups that they may be shown their deeds. 7. So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall see it. 8. And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall see it.56. Surah Al-Waqi'ah (The Event) - (10/96 verses)
1. When the Event (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) befalls. 2. And there can be no denying of its befalling. 3. It will bring low (some); (and others) it will exalt; 4. When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake. 5. And the mountains will be powdered to dust. 6. So that they will become floating dust particles. 7. And you (all) will be in three kinds (i.e. separate groups). 8. So those on the Right Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Records in their right hands), Who will be those on the Right Hand? (As a respect for them, because they will enter Paradise). 9. And those on the Left Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Record in their left hands), Who will be those on the Left Hand? (As a disgrace for them, because they will enter Hell). 10. And those foremost [(in Islamic Faith of Monotheism and in performing righteous deeds) in the life of this world on the very first call for to embrace Islam,] will be foremost (in Paradise).It WILL End!
Yes, the real Armageddon is far worst than what is being depicted in the 2012 movie. It's unimaginable. It is said that, during that time, all mankind will become panic, some will be stunned on what will happen. Pregnant mothers will have miscarriage. Parents will forget their kids. Children will have white hairs. Even demons, will flee in fear. You can run, but you can't hide from this fate. It's Allah's promise. It will happen someday, and no one will know when that day will be.
And (remember) the Day on which the Trumpet will be blown and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth, will be terrified except him whom Allah will (exempt). And all shall come to Him humbled. (Holy Quran 27:87)
Be it Nostradamus, NASA or whoever/whatever who try to figure out when the Doomsday will happen, it's impossible. You can't predict that. What, you think today's technology is advance enough to predict it? Well you're certainly wrong. The Judgment Day is a secret in secrets of Allah. We've been given enough time since His Messenger, Muhammad

98. Surah Al-Baiyyinah (The Clear Evidence)
1. Those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and among Al-Mushrikun,were not going to leave (their disbelief) until there came to them clear evidence. 2. A Messenger (Muhammad ()) from Allah, reciting (the Qur'an) purified pages [purified from Al-Batil (falsehood, etc.)]. 3. Containing correct and straight laws from Allah. 4. And the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) differed not until after there came to them clear evidence. (i.e. Prophet Muhammad () and whatever was revealed to him). 5. And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allah, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him), and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give Zakat: and that is the right religion. 6. Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad ()) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures. 7. Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allah, and in His Messenger Muhammad ()) including all obligations ordered by Islam] and do righteous good deeds, they are the best of creatures. 8. Their reward with their Lord is 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (Gardens of Eternity), underneath which rivers flow, they will abide therein forever, Allah Well-Pleased with them, and they with Him. That is for him who fears his Lord.p/s: I'm not going to make a banners saying: People, REPENT!! The End of the world is near. It's clearly shown in the Quran. Try to read and understand it.
aku suda tgk itu 2012...mmm..ma mgkn sme kot ngan pandangan ko...ketakutan yg ditakuti oleh nonmusim terhadap hari kiamat...mantap la director dye...tunjukkan yg dyorg takut ngan ketentuan Allah..
ReplyDeleteunsur takut tu mmg bagus..tp, diorg still brlagak, try to challenge armageddon..mmg あり得ない.