Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Once again, this entry will not be in Japanese. To those Japanese who have been waiting for my new entry, I'll start typing again after this entry. I can't promise it though.lols.Do you have a facebook account? I'm sure almost all will say yes. It's a phenomenon I think. For those yg ada account tu mesti ada profile pictures kan? Ok, for those yg tak letak muka sendiri in facebook, I understand. It's a matter of privacy right? Nowadays, anyone can copy-paste your photos, edit it and maybe use it to for a wrong purpose.The main point today is, there are certain photos that I makes me confused and irritated, just by looking at it. What kind of images do you think?

Using a DSLR or the same type of camera to shoot yourself. Why? Some people think that by doing that, you will look 'professional'. bahhh..

Photos of your shoes, watches or whatsoever? What is it that you find interesting in it? I just don't understand? Is it a trend now?

Photos of you jumping in the air. Why? They say it gives an effect as if you are floating in the air. Seems not to me though..

Photos of you (or/with your friends)being shot while you look away (to something else). Ok I admit this is one of my personal photos taken when I was in form 5. School? I'm not telling ya.

Photos of you taken in car. I don't understand what is it that you find unique by shooting you, sitting at the co-driver seat, looking up and...tersengih..that's it!! Believe it or not, you could find lots of this kind of photos in internet.duh~
Other examples of photos that I hate is
Don't you think the same?
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