Yesterday I watched a stunning video from a blog and Youtube. The title was quite stunning. "Demonstrasi kepala lembu (Dead cow's head paraded)". WOW! Interesting! From the video, I knew there was an issue regarding temples in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. As you can see from this picture, a man is carrying a dead cow's head as a 'present' for the state government.
Then there was a footage from a meeting between the 'threaten' residents and the state representative. Interesting! A Malay 'pakcik' was booing the representatives, coupled with 'some' insults, which never reflects his identity as an easterner, as a Malaysian and more importantly, as a Muslim. The issue: Malay residents object the state decision to transfer a Hindu temple to a Malay majority residential area. It is said that 80% of the resident are Malays.
Hmmm.... there's even an interview to another 'pakcik' which seems pious to me, with his 'kopiah' on his head. He told the reporter, this is an aqidah (faith) issue. As a Malay, he swore with his own blood to defend his Islam faith. As I watched through the video, I laughed many times. What the temple is going to do with his faith as a Muslim? According to that 'pakcik' (the 2nd one), the temple symbolizes an 'intervention' in Muslim community.
The main point is, why the cow's head? As we know, cow is considered as sacred among Hindu devotees. In Malay society, cow is a symbol of laziness and dumb. When asked why they brought the cow's head, they answered, "This is a symbol of DUMB state government, by messing with Malay residents sensitivity". In the other hand, I wonder if they don't realize that they were the one who is 'playing with fire'. Doesn't it considered as an insult to the Hindus? Maybe it was a coincidence by involving the cow's head issue with the temple issue.
What's more interesting, it's said that most of the people who joined the parade is not a 'Surau-man', a term which referred to a man who always visits mosque for prayer, in other words, pious. Do they really know the hukum (rules) in Islam (in terms of tolerance with non-Muslim)? I think they don't.
Wake-up man!! Islam wasn't descended only for Arabs. NOT EVEN specially for Malays. Islam is global. Anyone can embrace Islam. Yes, Islam is an official religion in Malaysia. But that doesn't permits you to claim Islam is solely for Malays. There's a mentality among conservative Malays that say when you embrace Islam (in Malaysia), then you MUST become part of Malays. It's no wonder why some people from other races afraid to get to know about Islam. They thought they will be no longer a Chinese or Indian if they embrace Islam. Of course they love their races. See? Not only you try to defend your false belief, you even worsen the image of Islam itself.
If you don't respect others, they won't respect you. Islam never stops non-Muslims community from practicing their religion, even among the Muslim community. From historical side, when Salahuhddin al-Ayyubi (Saladin) liberated Baitulmaqdis from the crusades, he ordered his men to spare the Christians and Jews who lived inside. He never ordered his men to tear down any churches or synagogues inside. Why?? He's the winner. He had rights to do anything he likes. Well, let's go back to basic. Islam teaches us to RESPECT others belief, even though we never agree with them.
Below I enclosed another blogger's view regarding this issue.
"Nak bagitau, masjid di Amerika ni banyak. Tapi boleh dikatakan tiada kawasan di Amerika ini majoritinya Islam. Ertinya, orang-orang bukan Islam di Amerika bertoleransi dan bersikap terbuka membenarkan orang-orang Islam yang minoriti membuka Masjid dan Musolla.
Bayangkan kalau alasan yang digunakan oleh Penduduk Seksyen 23, “yakni Seksyen 23 ini majoriti Islam maka tak boleh dibuat kuil di sini”, digunakan oleh orang2 di Amerika. Nescaya, tiada masjid yang boleh dibina di mana-mana tempat di Amerika (kecuali di Guantanamo Bay).
Ertinya, apa yang dilakukan oleh penduduk Seksyen 23 yang telah berdemonstrasi kepala lembu dan bersikap macam beruk kena belacan sewaktu dialog, seperti memberi lesen kepada penduduk2 bukan Islam di Amerika untuk MENUTUP kesemua masjid di sana serta menghalang pembinaan mana-mana masjid baru di sana.
Ertinya tindakan penduduk Seksyen 23 meletakkan kedudukan masjid2 di Amerika dalam risiko yang besar memandangkan isu pembinaan kuil ini sangat luas dibincangkan dalam internet. Dan, Amerika merupakan negara yang luas jangkauan internet mereka".
It's OK to be patriotic, to love your country, but not to the extend of insulting other's religion, in the name of your religion (or political stance). Please think about other's sensitivity. As a Muslim, we should make Al-Quran and Al-Hadith as our main references to settle down any problems that may occur.
(This post wasn't intended to blame any political party in Malaysia. Just sharing my thoughts as Malaysian and A Muslim) =)
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